Several authors have trouble finding a “Traditional” Publisher.  Their book is finished and they’ve been sending out query letters for years and either never hear anything or the rejection letters keep piling up.  Most of the rejection letters say “the manuscript is great, but not what we’re looking for.”

Several have looked into Self Publishing but most of those options are what the industry calls “Vanity Press”.  This means that you will pay a company a fortune just to see your work in print.  Unfortunately, these companies only publish your book and you have to do your own marketing.

Mathis started ePubNationWide in 2011 so that those who are tired of getting rejected can see their work in print—or online in eBook format—without having to spend a fortune or get ripped off by the vanity press’.

As an author, you will still have to do your own marketing, and your books will show that you are the author and publisher.  After your book is released, ePubNationWide does not get any of your royalties.  The proceeds from any sales you make go directly into your bank account.

Since the services ePubNationWide uses are free and available to everyone, you may publish the manuscript yourself, but ePubNationWide has published several books and is familiar with the formatting so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel to do it yourself.

If you have your manuscript ready, please use the Contact page to submit it for publication.